
Materiality matrix

Materiality Matrix

The starting point for sustainability reporting is the double materiality assessment (DMA). KCC applies the principle of double materiality in determining how sustainability topics may constitute responsibilities or risks, enabling KCC to understand and report those topics where KCC has significant responsibility to mitigate potential negative impact on society or to the environment and where topics may pose significant risk to the business.

The different sustainability topics are ranked in terms of impact on the environment and people (inside-out approach) and financial materiality which is the outside world’s impact on the company’s value creation (outside-in approach). 


It is important for KCC to be transparent and build trust with its stakeholders. Continuous learning and improvement are key to KCC, hence having an open dialogue with the main stakeholders is fundamental. Main stakeholder groups for KCC are customers, crew, employees, equity investors, debt providers, regulators and suppliers.

KCC’s stakeholders are particularly concerned about health and safety, climate change, anti-corruption, ship recycling, labor and human rights, diversity, and business ethics.